School placement

In order to ensure a place at the school of choice you should apply as early as possible. Some of the more prestigious schools require applications at least one academic year in advance.
If you wish Intense Educational Ltd to handle your application to a British school you should first fill out the Intense Educational Ltd application form and supplementary information forms provided in order that we have:

  • A list of the current academic grades at the child's existing school
  • A brief report from the existing school of the child's general ability and behaviour
  • A brief description of the child's interests, hobbies and career ambitions
  • The child's medical background

Intense Educational will prepare all necessary paperwork to apply to school on your behalf and pass on to the school all information supplied.


Once a child has been accepted by the school Intense Educational Ltd will forward to the parents the school's acceptance form, the contract between the school and the parent if the school uses one and an official letter from the school. To confirm their acceptance of any place offered, parents must sign the school's acceptance form and contract and return them to Intense Educational Ltd within 7 days of receipt . Once the acceptance documents have been signed parents become fully liable for all obligations laid out in the above documents, especially with regard to any cancellation charges.

Intense Educational Ltd
Office 5a, Wessex House
St. Leonards Road
Bournemouth, BH8 8QS, UK

Tel: +44(0)1202 290007
Fax: +44(0)1202 290007